Wednesday, June 22, 2011


so the day started with me drinking water with instructions not to PEE! that sucked the most. so we drive to my apointment and get there, get into the room where we are about to see our baby for the first time.
so i lay on the bed thing and she puts the gell on my belly, B4 she starts she asked "what do u want, whats ur gut feeling" i tell her i think its a girl. well B4 she looks at the privet area she makes sure the baby has both arms and legs. also makes sure the babys heart is good

than kylee gets stubbern!

the tec goes to peek at the important parts to find our babys legs were closed. she wouldnt opn them for any thing ( of corse she was asleep) but still. the tec says to go pee maybe that will make her move or something. (thank goodness. i was about to pee my pants) i get back and lay down again and still nothing!

5 more min pass and out of know where wall-la open legs. the tec says "its a girl" i look at matt than and said TOLD YA!!! lol

so we had to work for that and a profile pic, every time the tec went to get one kylee would put up both of her hands in front of her face. SUCKER!! lol she was playing with us in her sleep lol.

love her soooooo much!

Friday, June 10, 2011

and the gender is???? I cant wait to find out

so matt and i go on vacation june 11,we get back on the 18th. we find out the sex on june 20th!!!!!! im sooooooo excited!! i hope its a girl! toooooo many people are haven boys. its time to shake things up with a baby girl.

Friday, April 8, 2011


SOOOOO Matt and i are expecting a child. the baby is due November 17. I'm SO excited. I'm currently not working and morning sickness sucks butt, but its all for the greater good. I'm no longer in school as most of you know and i take my boards Monday the 18Th! than ill be a licensed cosmetologist!

sooo much has happen in the short 2 months i have not written. i have my first doc appointment the 11Th and i finally get to hear my baby's heart beat! LETS HOPE WE ONLY HEAR ONE BABY!! lol.

POGO IS DUE NEXT WEEK!!! awe ill have puppies in my house again. they will be shih-tzu poodle or shih-tzu Chihuahua. but will be cute all the same. we expect at least two to three. but who knows for sure. she is FAT!


Sunday, February 13, 2011

this is Matthew and me on our wedding day June 14 2008!!!! almost three years !!!

well no turnning back now!!!!

OK so its getting to be real close to graduation time and things are moving sooo fast!!!!! but lets just take some time here and tell u what happened in the last week.

so i have passed all of my remaining tests and have all of my requirements done! Matt has been supportive and even sent me a text today. its said " love u babe u can do it your almost done!!" it put a smile on my face and made my heart swell with love!!

i just want to say that I'm real thankfull for my many blessings in my life and my husband being one of those blessings that i sometimes forget i have. he IS the man for me and has more qualities than i ever thought to ask in a man/ husband. i know heavenly father blessed us both with each other and i hope to remember that when i need too.

now for the fun stuff sooo after getting home from joey and brooks wedding this evening my husband let our dogs out. like 5 min later out dog was crying soooo loud! it turns out Harley and Pogo were stuck together, they did the deed while we went looking!!! soooooooooo we are haven PUPPIES!!!!!!!!!! so excited. they will be shi-poos or shapoodles lol they will be sooo cute.

thats all for tonight!!!!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

so hello everyone!!!
i created this blog more than a year ago and this is post #1 !!!!!!
a lot has happened in the last year, but most important is that i am almost done with school and can start my Carrier!!!! yayayayayayay! i cant belive that i finaly get to have a job that i pick. and the best part og being out of school is that i get to spend more time with my husband and we get to have normal dinners and i can do the things a wife is supposed to do. now its no suprize to let every one know im not the best at house work but i will try sooooo hard to do my work around the house. as for the rest of my story .....well that will be continued cause i NNNNEEEEEDDDDD to get to bed now. got school in the a.m.! good night everyone(the people who do read this)